Robeco QI Global Developed Sustainable Beta Equities Fund EUR GRegistreer u om de ratings zichtbaar te maken |
Hoe heeft dit fonds gepresteerd? | 30-11-2024 |
Ontwikkeling van EUR 1000 (EUR) | Uitgebreide Grafiek |
Fonds | - | - | - | 19,7 | 27,6 | |
+/-Cat | - | - | - | 4,3 | 6,8 | |
+/-Idx | - | - | - | 1,7 | 2,1 | |
Categorie: Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Gemengd | ||||||
Categorie Benchmark: Morningstar Global TME NR USD |
Kerngegevens | ||
Koers 23-12-2024 | EUR 138,14 | |
Rendement 1 Dag | 0,85% | |
Morningstar Categorie™ | Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Gemengd | |
Vestigingsland | Nederland | |
ISIN | NL00150016R5 | |
Grootte Fonds (Mil) 23-12-2024 | EUR 142,56 | |
Grootte Fondsklasse (Mil) 30-11-2024 | EUR 1,97 | |
Aankoopkosten (Max) | - | |
Lopende Kosten Factor 02-10-2023 | 0,15% |
Beleggingsdoelstelling: Robeco QI Global Developed Sustainable Beta Equities Fund EUR G |
The Subfund aims for a better sustainability profile compared to the Benchmark by promoting certain ESG (i.e. Environmental, Social and corporate Governance) characteristics and integrating sustainability risks in the investment process. In addition, the Sub-fund at the same time aims to provide long term capital growth. The Subfund aims to collectively invest the Fund Assets in such a way that the risks thereof are spread, so that its Shareholders may share in the profits. |
Returns | ||||||||||||||||
Management | ||
Naam manager Aanvangsdatum | ||
Tim Dröge 13-12-2022 | ||
Wilma de Groot 13-12-2022 | ||
Click here to see others | ||
Oprichtingsdatum 13-12-2022 |
Advertentie |
Categorie Benchmark | |
Benchmark van het fonds | Benchmark Morningstar |
MSCI World Index Euro NR | Morningstar Global TME NR USD |
Target Market | ||||||||||||||||||||
Waar belegt het fonds in? Robeco QI Global Developed Sustainable Beta Equities Fund EUR G | 31-10-2024 |
Top 5 posities | Sector | % |
NVIDIA Corp | Technologie | 4,72 |
Apple Inc | Technologie | 4,59 |
Microsoft Corp | Technologie | 4,16 | Inc | Cyclische Consumptiegoederen | 2,32 |
E-mini S&P 500 Future Dec 24 | 2,06 | |
Toename Afname Nieuw t.o.v. vorige portefeuille | ||
Robeco QI Global Developed Sustainable Beta Equities Fund EUR G |